Types of Dental Fillings

    Dental fillings can be made from different materials, each with its own pros and cons:

  • Amalgam fillings: Made from a combination of mercury, silver, tin, and copper. They are durable and long-lasting but have a silver appearance.
  • Composite fillings: Made from a mixture of plastic and glass materials. They blend in naturally with the color of the teeth but may not be as durable as amalgam fillings.
  • Ceramic fillings: Made from porcelain and are tooth-colored. They are resistant to staining and provide a natural-looking option.
  • Gold fillings: Made from gold alloy and are highly durable. They are the most expensive option but can last for a long time.
  • Glass ionomer fillings: Made from a combination of glass and acrylic. They are mainly used for fillings in baby teeth.